Monday, September 15, 2014

Commendation from a fellow Admiral

Yesterday Jim Barnhill sent me a note that have to share. What an honor from a fellow newspaper colleague and Admiral in the Texas Navy. Below is Jim's letter:

Hello  Admiral Neal

My phone call several weeks ago to offer you my congratulations on being named
an Admiral in the Texas Navy was no doubt a "crosswinds" moment in our lives.

Had I not made that phone call, I would not have become acquainted with you,
 nor would I learned about your soon to be published novel: CROSSWINDS.

Twenty four hours after we received it in Saturday's US Mail, I just completed the book
....except for a couple of time outs going to bed late, .....a two hour six mile walk along
the Yakima River  Greenway, and watching Wall Street Journal Report....then the final
twenty pages! For a 34 year Army guy, I really enjoyed the young Navy recruit and
and the older sea dog and their story line. Gripping...compelling....a real grabber that
you don't want to put down!

Neal, it was a superb exceeded my wildest expectations. Great story lines!
 Now I want to be first in line to buy your second book in the series. Please keep me posted.

I also want to extend a congratulatory message that I handed out to staff members who
produced exemplary work for the Yakima Herald Republic. When great things I happened,
I usually scribbled D.W.D! on the published story or the correspondence.

CROSSWINDS has to be one of the best novels I've read in years. By the way I was
5 year term Library Board Trustee. with three years as  President of the Yakima Valley Libraries.
The Library quit counting my books after reading  1000 books in just over three years.

So today Admiral Neal White, aka N.R.White, here's your  well deserved D.W.D!

Jim Barnhill

Admiral in Texas Navy
Commissioned: 8 July 1965
by Governor John Connolly

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